DIY Solutions For Cleaning And Maintaining Your Microfiber Furniture


If you have ever visited a furniture store, you have probably come across sofas, chairs, and loveseats upholstered in microfiber. This unique upholstery is actually incredibly durable and comfortable, making it a great investment for your home. Of course, you may not understand the best techniques to clean and maintain your microfiber. This guide will give you a few DIY tips to help you clean and maintain your new microfiber furniture.


You may not let your pets on the furniture or you may prohibit eating in the room where your furniture is located. No matter how well you think you maintain it, light dirt, dust, hair, and other debris will build up on the surface of your sofas, chairs, loveseats, and other furniture. Fortunately, a simple brush or vacuum with a brush attachment is effective for removing this light debris.

To get started, invest in a soft-bristled wide brush. Every few days, run the brush over cushions to pull off any surface residue. Make sure to brush the cushions of the back and seat in addition to the back of the furniture piece.

You may prefer to use a vacuum brush attachment to remove this light dirt and debris at times, too.

Stain Removal

A spilled juice box, food stain, or another discoloration on your microfiber does not have to be an overwhelming task to clean. Creating a solution containing water and liquid dish soap is all you need.

Add a few cups of water and a few drips of liquid dish soap into a spray bottle. Shake the bottle to mix and then spray onto the stained area of your furniture. Use a cloth to scrub the soapy solution into the microfiber and then wipe away any leftover soapy residue with a damp cloth.

Water marks are common on microfiber after the upholstery is cleaned with some sort of liquid. Again, these marks are simple to remove.

Add rubbing alcohol to a spray bottle and douse on the mark. Use a soft sponge or cloth to rub the alcohol into the microfiber. The alcohol will clean the area while removing the water mark.

Allow the rubbing alcohol to air dry. If you must dry it faster, use a hair dryer on a low to medium setting to avoid heat damage.

While durable, microfiber does require periodic cleaning and care. This guide will ensure you can clean and remove stains from your microfiber in a safe and simple manner. Contact an upholstery cleaning service if you need more help.


4 October 2018

Learning About The Benefits of Acquiring Professional Cleaning Services

Hello, my name is Marco Damion. Welcome to my website about professional cleaning services. During the early years of parenthood, I tried to brainstorm ways to find time for my own needs. At first, this feat seemed virtually impossible, but I continued to think up ideas. Eventually, I decided that I would try to outsource my housecleaning needs to a professional company. I was instantly hooked on receiving the absolute best quality of cleaning services from my dedicated team. On this site, I will explore just how these professionals cleaned my home and gave me back the free time I needed. Thanks.